"Use Me"

We close our eyes and set into motion this song by Rickie Byars Beckwith. "Use Me." For me, it opens up a dawn that takes me on a journey of authentic individualization.  I know...I know..'Get over yourself,' you might say.  But I was assigned as a grateful caregiver for the last four years.  I have literally fought for my life; getting out of the way of my charges and their soul processes and remembering to charge up the fire of my own soul.  The love, forgiveness, and gratitude I have experienced is life renewing, and now...

  Our Last Dance
Now, it is time to breathe deeply and use the gifts Spirit has given me.  Ask me; I/Spirit can tell you about centering through care giving and grief.   Ask me; I/Spirit can tell you about Divine Health and what it looks like; about hospice care and what it can do.  Ask me, and I/Spirit can tell you about fear; acceptance; faith/knowing; strength; serenity, releasing, and "love having the final word,"( another Byars Beckwith teaching.) I AM setting into motion the wheels of Spirit that fuel me into each moment of giving.  Just ask me; use me.


Anonymous said...

If anyone can talk the talk because they have walked the walk, it's Vicki. Believe her, trust her, ask her. I do.

Ronda Leblanc said...

"Our Last Dance" Beautiful! Feel the energy, the love, the celebration of life and one is forever blessed. Thank you Vicky!

Phyll said...

Dear Sis:
I will always be inspired by your journey of rejuvenating your soul while expressing your love through caregiving.
Love you,