
How can I have a blog and be 11 days into the new year before posting an entry?   I have had plenty of epiphany-type occurrences -- good blog stuff.  It's just do I?  Why won't I?  (Oh, wait, I just got an e-mail).  See, now, that's my problem.  There's always an "Oh wait."  Then, there's also my 'stuff'.  I want to make a grand entrance into lengthy streams of realizations, when all I really have to do is commence.  I shall.

This year jumped off with dreams that paired me with superstars.  They were symbolic of my creativity and my charge to reveal that, which is deep within my core.  It's up to me to tap into what has become my favorite concept this year -- substance; that grace, creativity, love, authenticity, compassion that is the the Creator's gift to the universe.  It lies festering within us.  I got mine. You got yours.  It's just that sometimes I forget. So, the Creator sends dreams to remind me of this I AM consciousness.

At this moment, I am invoking my substance to tap into my dreams.  Through them, I  am learning more about what I must do with me -- how to create, work, live, how to give.  I commence.

"Use Me"

We close our eyes and set into motion this song by Rickie Byars Beckwith. "Use Me." For me, it opens up a dawn that takes me on a journey of authentic individualization.  I know...I know..'Get over yourself,' you might say.  But I was assigned as a grateful caregiver for the last four years.  I have literally fought for my life; getting out of the way of my charges and their soul processes and remembering to charge up the fire of my own soul.  The love, forgiveness, and gratitude I have experienced is life renewing, and now...

  Our Last Dance
Now, it is time to breathe deeply and use the gifts Spirit has given me.  Ask me; I/Spirit can tell you about centering through care giving and grief.   Ask me; I/Spirit can tell you about Divine Health and what it looks like; about hospice care and what it can do.  Ask me, and I/Spirit can tell you about fear; acceptance; faith/knowing; strength; serenity, releasing, and "love having the final word,"( another Byars Beckwith teaching.) I AM setting into motion the wheels of Spirit that fuel me into each moment of giving.  Just ask me; use me.

Minor Infusion: An Answer to a Friend’s Questi

I can’t explain why a song written in a minor key plays to the depths of my soul. It invokes mystery and a journey I feel compelled to take. Where is “Night and Day”, by Cole Porter? I found it wrapped in the embrace of my twin flame, now gone from me.  It still haunts me. That’s the word for it…’haunt’. I am left with residual longing – painful, but urging a winsome smile through memories. It won’t leave me alone. Alone.

 It finds me, that minor key, and will not leave me alone. It closes my eyes in song; taps my heart to love and remember; my body to dance, and my soul to feel the magic only God could create. It witnesses the joys and sorrows and is the reflection of my spirit in songs like Stevie Wonder’s “As”. "Ain't that loving you?!!"(written in a minor key). It embraces me, and I cannot help but surrender.